10 Best Finance Books To Read

10 Best Finance Books To Read

Looking to increase your financial literacy? There are tons of books out there ranging from personal finance to market behavior that I’ve found to be life changing. We’ve complied a list of the 10 best finance books to read.

The best finance books are the ones that have valuable information but can marry that with a good flow. Dry (sorry) topics such as finance can be hard to find this balance. Below is a list of books that have both great content and captivating flow to keep you turning the page.

A Random Walk Down Wall Street

This book really strikes the balance between great information and entertainment which is hard in this category. Focused on how you can’t beat Wall Street, but you can still be extremely successful in investing, it has some of the most useful information for people looking to increase their value investing.

The Intelligent Investor

The intelligent investor is the OG finance book to read. It’s a little old school, it was first published in 1949, but the information is still very relevant. There are many versions with an intro or appendix via Warren Buffet. He himself often quotes this as one of the best books on value investing. It focuses on portfolio balance and value investing. The only thing is it’s a little difficult to read, but stick with it! It’s earned it’s spot on this list.

Seeking Wisdom

This is my all time favorite book. I found it because I’m obsessed with Ray Dalio and he often quotes this as an influential book. Unfortunately there aren’t too many copies out there, so the price is higher. I highly recommend splurging on a physical copy of this one (mine has notes all over it!) This book has paid for itself both in helping me save money but also helping me build my business and increase the income coming in. There are very few books that really change your view, and this is one of them.

Wondering who Charlie Munger is? Here’s a great introduction to one of the greatest financial minds of the last century.

Common Sense on Mutual Funds

This is another classic, written by the founder of Vanguard, it focuses on asset allocation. This book probably has the most dense amount of information of any on the list, which comes at a trade off of information. For the pure amount of truly valuable information, it makes the cut.

The Millionaire Next Door

This is the most personal finance focused book on the list. It’s another classic. The Millionaire Next Door focuses on how you think about money and saving. It brings valuable lessons on how not to judge a book by it’s cover as well. It’s probably the easiest and most entertaining book on the list.

Other top Finance Books to Read

Here are 5 more finance books to read:

Black Swan – If you’re interested in market events, this book is highly entertaining and highly rated!

Principals – By the OG Ray Dalio. Principals has great information on life balance and financial principals.

What I learned Losing a Million Dollars – This isn’t on all the other top lists, but it’s a great read about a man who built up an empire and lost it all.

Anatomy of the Bear: Lessons from Wall Street’s four great bottoms – This book is relevant now, as our economy contracts once again.

When Genius Failed – This is a newer book than many on the list. It follows a hedge fund that was bailed out by the Fed in the 80s.

What are your favorite finance books to read? Let us know!

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